此刻,我們都希望中國2008年奧運為轉變契機,但從聖火傳遞一事來看,中國政權的本質並沒有改變,其政治運作是「指定接班人」的政體,在民主及資訊公開、全球化浪潮下,中國也必須做某些程度的改變,台、中關從過去八年的「冷和」到現在的「熱絡」,台灣面臨著過去西藏人被漢人大量移入的危機,在文化、語言、媒體上面遭受新一波中國錢潮攻勢,中華人民共和一方面用武器對準威脅台灣,另一方面重金買下台灣的媒體電視報紙,向台灣人大量輸入中國式思考,台灣政論節目且一再強調解放軍多愛人民,胡錦濤多優秀,這在一般民主國家幾乎難以想像。換句話說,台灣目前正遭受中華人民共和國的思想戰威 脅。而台灣所面臨的壓迫,與之前西藏、香港等幾乎都雷同。也因此,我們非常擔心未來的台灣可能「西藏化」。
The “two Ts”: Taiwan and Tibets’ fate under China’s threat.
1. The “ two Ts” fate connected to each other.
Since the 21st. century, the rising of PRC and Asia is becoming current center issue. It’s undeniable that China has changed from communism toward captalism society, and become a main concern of the world in the globalization trend. But along with the China’s economy growing on the base of nationalism and Chinese imperialism, the fate of the so-called” two Ts”, Taiwan in Pacific and Tibet at the center of Asia continent, has some kind of connection. Taiwan is facing invasion and missiles threat of China, and so is Tibet, Taiwan and Tibet have the same difficulties and injustice from China.
2. The political changes of 2008.
During the past 8 years, Taiwan, on the tiny island of Pacific, under the DPP rule had been insisted that Taiwan is not a part of China, and depends on the US-Japan Security Alliance. Taiwan has been expand Taiwan-Japan’s relationship actively, and the relationship across the Strait was once in “cold peace”, which means under the Taiwan Sovereignty Discourses “one country on each side”, non-equal country to country status is not acceptable.
But as a part of the Pacific safty island chain, Taiwan is seeing crucial changes in 2008, the National Party which favours Taiwan being part of China regains the rule power, since the new president Ma Ying Jeou took office, his government has eagerly reopened the cross strait talk, and it’s took place under the situation of setting aside the sovereignty dispute. Not long before, the Taiwan’s fish boat and Japan’s marintime patrol boat collide in the Diaoyutai area prompted Taiwan’s government recall the amabassador to Japan, and resulted to the changing in quality of Taiwan-Japan’s relationship.
Taiwan is changing from the “depends on US, Japan, and apart from China” course under the past two president Chen Shiu Bian and Lee Tan Huei to the “depends on China, apart from US, Japan.”
On 4th. July Taiwan will experience a historical crucial moment, the 8 airports of Taiwan will be open to direct flight from China, and the Chinese People’s Liberation Military also exercise in the meantime about how to invasion Taiwan with civil aircrafts, and the number of missiles China deploys toward Taiwan is increasing too.
On comparison, the Tibet issue is being noticed by Taiwan because of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, about half of Taiwanese sympathe and understand the situation in Tibet. During the Taiwan president election, 2 candidates both hosted praying events for Tibetians which helps gerneral Taiwan people to start understand the problems that Tibet is facing.
Taipei City councilors簡余晏、李慶峰 have proposed a bill to declare 10th. March “Tibet Day” in Taipei City in memory of the Tibet uprising, but this bill was boycutt by the National Party member. Though, proposed by Kaohsiung City councilor 連立堅, the Kaohsiung City Mayor 陳菊 has agreed to set the “Tibet Day” in Kauhsiung.
3. Chinese imperialism blockade democracy and human rights.
The prosperity of Shanghai and Beijing show us the richness and progress of PRC, and there’s no need to demonize this rapidly developing country. But the undeniable point is that on the Darfur genocide issue, China choose supporting the dictatorship Sudan for the oil interest, and kill the tibetian ignore of 300 thousands tibetians’ protest, even more, China is threating Taiwan with 1400 missiles. Besides, China has poor records on human rights, restriction of speech and freedom, block democracy, that’s why for the human rights and democracy, only when Tibet, Taiwan and the democracy supporters all over the world make efforts to serious consider the connections between Taiwan and Tibet, there’s possible we can twist the “two Ts” fate to avoid from being sacrificed of Chinese Imperialism.
4. Taiwan is under the money, public opion and thought war waved by China.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic is viewed as a chance of change for China, but judge from the Olympic torch relay dispute, the nature of the China regim is not changed. Even though it’s political process is not traditional imperial hereditary system, it’s still a “desination successor” dictatorship. In the wave of democracy, transparent of information and globalize, China has to make some changes too. The Cross-strait relationship changing from the “cold peace” in the past 8 years to the current “warm”, Taiwan is facing the Han people massively immigrant rish the same way Tibet has been through, and is under new wave of china capital attack on culture, language and media. PRC is threating Taiwan with weapons aimed at Taiwan, and heavily investment in the Taiwan media, tranfer Chinese thought to Taiwanese. The political talk shows of Taiwan repeatedly emphasize how friendly the Chinese military is to civil people, how good the Chinese leader Hu is, these are unimaginable in democratic countries. In other words, Taiwan is under the threat of thought war by PRC, and the risk Taiwan is facing is almost the same way Tibet and HongKong have faced.
5. China improves international relationship shall not endanger the peace of Taiwan.
To tell from the international situation, under globalization and economic trends, China interacts with international society, and the relationship with Japan might be improve gradually. But concerning contemporary democracy, human rights, free speech and universe value, if we let the dictorship keep expending, it might further endanger the democracy value of the Taiwan elected president, thus putting democratic Taiwan in backwards. If Taiwan which on the strategic location of the Pacific bow to dictorship China, it actually means the Chinese Imperialism has further expand it’s territory through the “ Chinese nationalism” brain wash, and this might further threat the peace of asia-pacific as well.
6. Work together to insist the universe values of democracy, freedom and human rights.
Tibetians are peace-loving and faithful people, and people in the Formosa is kind in nature, and even more peaceful after being through the occupied by many powers in history. But as a democracy country of 21st. century, I hope the Taiwanese and Tibetian will work together, take serious of the “ Chinese Imperialism” cover by the capitalism, continuing insist on democracy, freedom, human rights, and I hope the international society value Taiwan and Tibet, the so-call “two Ts” human rights, and support us. Let us work together to achieve these universe values.
**2012年3月25名僧侶自焚後 我們在街頭聲援圖博朋友
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