原文可在這看到,線上雜誌網址:http://es-cat.zinio.com/pages/mental_floss/Sep-Oct-09/416092731/pg-3 如不是訂戶,只有三次放大預覽,所以請直接翻到第52頁。這是一篇罵人不帶髒字的好文。稍微整理一下,馬英九被父親逼迫,只學習三種能力:中國古典文學;書法和跑步。原文:Ma was forced to study Chinese classics after school every day, and he was pressured to perfect his calligraphy. Ma's father also made him run daily to rid him of any laziness. 然後馬英九是一個怎樣的人呢?獨裁者的黨羽。原文:There, at age 37, Ma became the former dictator's protege. 那馬英九怎麼當上台北市長呢?只能靠帥氣。原文:It also helped Ma gain a reputation as a savvy politician, which, along with his general handsomeness, got him elected mayor of Taipei in 1998. 馬英九的兩岸政策是什麼呢?當然是一中市場。原文:Ma Ying-jeou was elected president of Taiwan by a wide margin, after campaigning on the idea of a "Great China market." 那馬英九如何拯救台灣經濟呢?這就是本文的笑點,原文前後呼應。原文:前段 How is saving the country? By being the world's best marriage counselor. ; 後段 Many foreign affairs experts would tell Ma to keep dreaming. 台灣的 "經濟",馬英九是不懂得!^^
再補充: 1. Mental_Floss:雜誌名字有加上底線,底線在電腦上需按"shift"鍵,所以全名應為Mental Shift Floss,shift 在"字面上"與"電腦上"有不同,簡而言之喜歡這雜誌的那就是"移除"混亂,不喜歡的就是"增加"混亂! ^O^ 2. 裡面的笑點很多,作者也很了解馬英九及台灣!茲列如下: a. Tact:在字典裡的解釋(英英字典)Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act "without offending".其實帶有嘲諷的意謂,正面的字應該用"wisdom"智慧。 b. 馬英九從小教導成總統,作者用"after school every day" "was forced" "was pressured",嘲諷他的能力不足,在後段亦呼應 "along with his general handsomeness",他只有帥且無能,假如作者是在88水災前寫的,那真的是未卜先知。 c. 民主對馬英九是無意義的。作者提到馬英九是 "dictator's protege",且一再強調兩岸交流需 "under the banner of democracy",然後稱讚陳前總統 "a pro-independence president",來反諷他不尊重民主。 d. 馬英九一再強調經濟好轉,作者用反諷的方式來寫 "Westerners are again seeing Taiwan as a safe place to invest their money.",馬英九上任後外資狂賣,其實這癥結點馬英九是不懂得,那是如何不懂呢?作者用"marriage counselor",來告知順便反諷他只會"證婚"。
5 則留言:
「Mental Floss」【全球五大】拆開來看看原來是「精神病」
Mental 精神
思想的;精神的;思考的;智力的, 精神病治療的;精神健康的, 瘋狂;發瘋
Floss 混亂
如不是訂戶,只有三次放大預覽,所以請直接翻到第52頁。這是一篇罵人不帶髒字的好文。稍微整理一下,馬英九被父親逼迫,只學習三種能力:中國古典文學;書法和跑步。原文:Ma was forced to study Chinese classics after school every day, and he was pressured to perfect his calligraphy. Ma's father also made him run daily to rid him of any laziness.
然後馬英九是一個怎樣的人呢?獨裁者的黨羽。原文:There, at age 37, Ma became the former dictator's protege.
那馬英九怎麼當上台北市長呢?只能靠帥氣。原文:It also helped Ma gain a reputation as a savvy politician, which, along with his general handsomeness, got him elected mayor of Taipei in 1998.
馬英九的兩岸政策是什麼呢?當然是一中市場。原文:Ma Ying-jeou was elected president of Taiwan by a wide margin, after campaigning on the idea of a "Great China market."
那馬英九如何拯救台灣經濟呢?這就是本文的笑點,原文前後呼應。原文:前段 How is saving the country?
By being the world's best marriage counselor. ; 後段 Many foreign affairs experts would tell Ma to keep dreaming.
台灣的 "經濟",馬英九是不懂得!^^
1. Mental_Floss:雜誌名字有加上底線,底線在電腦上需按"shift"鍵,所以全名應為Mental Shift Floss,shift 在"字面上"與"電腦上"有不同,簡而言之喜歡這雜誌的那就是"移除"混亂,不喜歡的就是"增加"混亂! ^O^
2. 裡面的笑點很多,作者也很了解馬英九及台灣!茲列如下:
a. Tact:在字典裡的解釋(英英字典)Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act "without offending".其實帶有嘲諷的意謂,正面的字應該用"wisdom"智慧。
b. 馬英九從小教導成總統,作者用"after school every day" "was forced" "was pressured",嘲諷他的能力不足,在後段亦呼應 "along with his general handsomeness",他只有帥且無能,假如作者是在88水災前寫的,那真的是未卜先知。
c. 民主對馬英九是無意義的。作者提到馬英九是 "dictator's protege",且一再強調兩岸交流需
"under the banner of democracy",然後稱讚陳前總統 "a pro-independence president",來反諷他不尊重民主。
d. 馬英九一再強調經濟好轉,作者用反諷的方式來寫 "Westerners are again seeing Taiwan as a safe place to invest their money.",馬英九上任後外資狂賣,其實這癥結點馬英九是不懂得,那是如何不懂呢?作者用"marriage counselor",來告知順便反諷他只會"證婚"。