「救災很重要,但是二二八和平公園的名稱有歷史意涵,請政府不要隨便又把名稱換掉了!」228受難家屬這麼說!台北市議員簡余晏、陳建銘上午表示,距離1996年2月28日「二二八和平公園」更名至今14年,但去年年底,市府卻悄悄在大小路口立上14面新的指示牌,擅把公園改名為「二二八防災公園」,英文名稱竟是「228 peace disaster prevention park」,議員認為,擅自更名是對二二八受害者的不敬,而且這樣的英文變成了「預防228和平災難公園」,成了四不像,既沒有達到防災效果,反而讓市民以為228和平公園更名了。消防局表示,一週以內會先把告示牌拆下,開會討論後再議。
陳建銘表示,市府的英文翻成「228 peace disaster prevention park」,意指二二八和平是災害嗎?peace disaster prevention park 直譯似乎就變成了和平災難防治公園,「和平」成了災難,為人權奮鬥卻犧牲的人們令人讚佩的精神卻被解讀為一場和平災難,這樣的路牌如何對得起先人? 他主張英文改為「designated shelter park」,因為實質上這是規畫為緊急避難所而不是救災。
DPP councilors, victims’ relatives pan name change
By Loa Iok-sin
Friday, Jan 22, 2010, Page 3
Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City Councilor Chien Yu-yen holds a sign reading “228 Disaster Prevention Park” in Chinese, with the English translation “228 Peace Disaster Prevention Park” at a press conference in Taipei City yesterday.
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Taipei City councilors and relatives of victims of the 228 Incident yesterday criticized the city government for putting up signs that describe 228 Peace Park as the “228 Peace Disaster Prevention Park.”
“Since when has the 228 Incident become a ‘peace disaster’?” DPP City Councilor Chien Yu-yen (簡余晏) asked at a press conference while holding pictures of the blue signs with white print that read “228 disaster prevention park” (二二八防災公園) in Chinese and “228 peace disaster prevention park” in English.
Fourteen of the signs were found on streets around the park.
The 228 Incident refers to an uprising across the country against the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) regime in 1947 that was violently suppressed by the government.
Inside 228 Peace Park in Taipei stands the 228 Memorial Museum, which was used as a radio station during the initial days of the incident to spread news about the uprising that began in Taipei.
Some victims’ family members said the signs’ name change was politically motivated.
“I don’t want to think this way, but I sort of suspect the city government made the change to erase the historic memory,” former Memorial Foundation of the 228 Incident executive director Yang Chen-long (楊振隆) said.
Taipei City Fire Department official Chou Chung-chi (周鍾驥), who took part in the press conference, denied the change was politically motivated, but said the wording on the sign may not be appropriate.
He said the park was designated a “disaster prevention park” in Zhongzheng District (中正) as part of the city government’s aim to create one large open-air disaster asylum for each of the city’s 12 administrative districts.
“For the project, we’ve decided to insert the word ‘disaster prevention’ into each park’s name, so we have signs with names like ‘Da-an Disaster Prevention Park’ and ‘Shilin Disaster Prevention Park,’” Chou said. “‘The name ‘228 Peace Disaster Prevention Park’ does look quite strange, but we didn’t think that far when we made the signs.”
He said the blue “disaster prevention park” signs were put up so people would know which parks have been designated as open-air shelters.
“We will take down all the ‘228 Peace Disaster Prevention Park’ signs within a week, and will hold meetings to decide what should be on the new signs before putting up new signs,” Chou said.
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