



美國最近有一本William Dobson寫的暢銷書,書名叫Dictator's Learning Curve,我把他翻譯成獨裁者的進化。作者研究世界各地的獨裁者,得到一個結論,那就是像北韓一樣活在上一個世紀的獨裁者已經不多了,今天的獨裁者有許多變形,他們口中也談選舉與人權,他們的統治技巧高超,而且也經營國際網絡,關鍵時有許多國際支持,台灣雖然不是作者研究的對象,但是許多書中的片段大家應該感到非常耳熟。




It’s hard not to think about Tony’s woes while reading William J. Dobson’s intelligent and absorbing “Dictator’s Learning Curve.” It’s a book that intricately explores the headache-making complexities of being an authoritarian tough guy in 2012. These despots may well be on anti-depressants too.

Old-school oppressors like Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Idi Amin had it easy. There was no YouTube, no Facebook, no Twitter. “Today, the world’s dictators can surrender any hope of keeping their worst deeds secret,” Mr. Dobson observes. “If you order a violent crackdown — even on a Himalayan mountain pass — you now know it will likely be captured on an iPhone and broadcast around the world.”

The neo-authoritarians, from Vladimir Putin in Russia to Hugo Chávez in Venezuela to China’s more faceless technocrats, are still brutal, but they have learned to adapt. These types of leaders, the author says, “are far more sophisticated, savvy and nimble than they once were.”

Mass arrests and firing squads? For most of these men these are clumsy and a bit passé. Tax collectors and health inspectors are now more likely to shut down dissident groups. Today’s dictators confound their critics by peppering their speeches, the author says, “with references to liberty, justice and the rule of law.” Fair and balanced is how they wish to appear, contrary to realities. A new kind of iron fist has arrived, tucked behind an acid-whitened smile.

Mr. Dobson is the politics and foreign affairs editor of Slate; before that he was an editor for Foreign Affairs. He crisscrossed the globe multiple times while reporting this prickly book, traveling some 93,000 miles, he estimates.

He’s interviewed more than 200 people, and his closely observed accounts of dictators’ increasingly sly methods to control their populations are haunting and dispiriting. Chief among these methods is simple confusion. Citizens rarely know, any longer, where the lines are drawn. One Venezuelan tells the author, “Fear does not leave fingerprints.”

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