馬先生要我們有國際觀,請大家1025上街嗆馬時,多多用英文標語,可以顯示出我們多有國際觀,也可以讓國際媒體將台灣的聲音告知全世界。空閒時想出下列的英文標語,請大家多多參考使用,並請相關單位印製下列各種不同的英文標語的大型海報,提供給嗆馬民眾使用。各位如有諳日語、德語或法語的,都可以提供給大家用。1025那天是難得可以向國際發聲的機會,也順便提供機會讓全台灣的辛辛學子學習如何用英文向國際發聲。 Strongly guard for Taiwan’s sovereignty Taiwan , an independent sovereign country Taiwan not belong to China Historically Treasure Democratic Taiwan. Damn it! Chinese Hegemony Swear to protect Taiwan’s democracy and independence Say No to China, say yes to Taiwan Say No to Chinese hegemonical regime Protest against Chinese Hegemony Taiwan is an independent country Taiwan needs to join UN Taiwan is not part of China Taiwan is Taiwan. Democratic Formosa separated from poison China Dead to pursue Independent Taiwan Dead to be Taiwanese Ashes We want independent Taiwan Say No to China and its tainted food Say No to melamined China No tainted milk, no Sars, and no missiles Boycott anything from China We want Independent Taiwan, Bush !! You know that? Show us your green card, President Ma. Taiwan’s shame ----Ma’s green card Taiwan’s shame----green card government team Taiwan’s shame----green card President Ma Give me green card , then I’ll follow you , 馬英九 Global people boycott China Food and Products. Democratic Taiwan reject autocratic China Reject notorious China Products. Reject China’s melamined food Reject hypocrite China Reject poison China We don’t need Melamined pandas. Taiwan and China are separated country Taiwan’s president馬英九 is like-melamined Bullshit ! pro-China 馬英九 Taiwan should be in Union Nation. Return our ballots , Mr. Ma Regret voting for Mr. Ma. Return our ballots.
3 則留言:
Strongly guard for Taiwan’s sovereignty
Taiwan , an independent sovereign country
Taiwan not belong to China Historically
Treasure Democratic Taiwan.
Damn it! Chinese Hegemony
Swear to protect Taiwan’s democracy and independence
Say No to China, say yes to Taiwan
Say No to Chinese hegemonical regime
Protest against Chinese Hegemony
Taiwan is an independent country
Taiwan needs to join UN
Taiwan is not part of China
Taiwan is Taiwan.
Democratic Formosa separated from poison China
Dead to pursue Independent Taiwan
Dead to be Taiwanese Ashes
We want independent Taiwan
Say No to China and its tainted food
Say No to melamined China
No tainted milk, no Sars, and no missiles
Boycott anything from China
We want Independent Taiwan, Bush !! You know that?
Show us your green card, President Ma.
Taiwan’s shame ----Ma’s green card
Taiwan’s shame----green card government team
Taiwan’s shame----green card President Ma
Give me green card , then I’ll follow you , 馬英九
Global people boycott China Food and Products.
Democratic Taiwan reject autocratic China
Reject notorious China Products.
Reject China’s melamined food
Reject hypocrite China
Reject poison China
We don’t need Melamined pandas.
Taiwan and China are separated country
Taiwan’s president馬英九 is like-melamined
Bullshit ! pro-China 馬英九
Taiwan should be in Union Nation.
Return our ballots , Mr. Ma
Regret voting for Mr. Ma. Return our ballots.